Your Shopping Cart is where you place all items that you wish to order.
Place items in My Cart by clicking on the
'Add to Cart' button when viewing the design.
Change quantities by changing the value that you want
to change and then either tab out to the next field or
click anywhere outside the text box. The page will
automatically change the quantity and cart totals.
Changing a quantity to zero will remove the item from your Shopping Cart.
Delete items from My Cart by clicking on the 'DEL'
button associated with the item you want to delete.
Be sure that you have selected the desired 'Software'
and 'Format' for each item in your Shopping Cart.
You can see a detail view of any item in your Cart by
clicking on the image of the item.
The 'Empty Cart' button will remove all items from your
Shopping Cart and you will have to start over.
Your Shopping Cart is a persistent Shopping Cart. If you
log out and leave the site, when you come back, your cart will
still contain the items you had previously selected.
The Sub-Total on the Shopping Cart is not your order total.
It does not reflect Shipping & Handling or Tax amounts.
The navigation feature in the upper right-hand corner of the
page indicates whether or not there are items in your Cart and also
shows the number of items in your Cart.